Super cute and sexy Riley Reid is sex in a tight little package. Her outgoing personality and girl next door smile makes her a total catch. Don't let any of this fool you because as you are about to find out that she is not reserved at all when it comes to sex. Blowjobs maybe her specialty but judging by how she handles her scenes it's hard to tell.
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Housesitting can get pretty boring and Riley Reid has been watching her friends place for some time now and has become very lonely. Her friends have let her know about this new app that finds hot guys in the area. She was a little skeptical at first, but after months of not getting laid it's the only option that she has. It doesn’t take long before she finds Danny, its a match, now all she has to do is wait.
When Jay told Riley Reid that he was going to be gone for a few weeks she had no idea how hard it would be. Now that his trip was extended, all Riley Reid can do is fantasize about when she can see him again. Their calls get hotter and hotter as Riley strips naked and rubs her her wet pussy as her nipple swell. As the days get closer to his return she finds herself so horny that when he finally walks through the door he is greeted with the fuck of his life.